Tage was born in New London and raised it Groton where he attended the first four years of schooling in a two-room schoolhouse in Center Groton.  He liked fourth grade so much that did it twice.  He graduated from Robert E. Fitch Senior High in 1967 and joined the Navy in 1968 in a skillful attempt to dodge the draft (he didn't like the Canadian option).  
After one tour in Vietnam and two in the Middle East he left the Navy to pursue his dream of becoming a racecar driver.  Instead, like most men, he got married and the dreams changed.  That was in August of 1972.  Tage and his wife have three children and nine grandchildren.
A few years after leaving the Navy he forgot why he got out in the first place and joined the Army National Guard as part of the 1109th AVCRAD.  He served seven years before his discharge in 1984 when he remembered why he got out of the Navy in the first place. 
In his working career he has worked for Pfizer for 20 years, Glaxo Welcome for 8 years, Dow Biopharmaceuticals for 5, Electric Boat 1 year, United Nuclear 1 year, has run his own home improvement business for 35 years and has been a writer for 15 years.  If you add that all up it comes to 85 years.  He is presently 63.  If you can figure out how that is possible you win a manuscript of his play “A Rare Encounter”. 


  1. I met Tage in the USN in 1968 and knew he was a special person, he carried him self with an aire of dignity, and in 68, being in the Navy as a pre NCO that was a difficult trick to pull off. I purchased his first three books and enjoyed them all.
    Thanks Tage, I think of our journey’s overseas often. From the South Pacific, to the multiple 45 day patrols on PIRZ, N. Korean picket duty off
    Vladivostok and assignments off Port Sa’id. You held up good.

  2. Just finished The Armageddon. Great read! I hope all is going well for you and yours.
